Unknown Device Registered in the “Find My” App

This article covers the topic of an unknown device being registered in the “Find My” app, which Apple device users can access.
An Unknown Device Suddenly Appeared
One day, while checking “Find My” for registered devices, an unknown device was listed. Surprisingly, a MacBook Pro in Hanoi had been registered.
Although unfamiliar with Vietnam’s geography, the device appeared to be located in a residential area.
Removing the Device Only to Have It Reappear
Initially, I removed the device from the list, but it reappeared the next day in a different location.
Weeks Go By Without Any Understanding
Since the unknown device caused no actual harm, I left it alone for a while.
Feeling Uncomfortable, I Consult Apple Support
I reached out to Apple’s iCloud support. After a chat, they advised speaking with a specialist by phone.
Phone Consultation with an Apple Specialist
After speaking with the specialist, they escalated the issue internally to Apple technicians.
Response from Apple Technicians: The Issue Occurs if iCloud Remains Signed In During Device Reset
Several days later, Apple responded. According to the technician, this phenomenon can occur if a device is reset without signing out of iCloud first. Perhaps it was a MacBook I sold on Yahoo Auctions?
In the End, the “Extra” Device Was Actually “My Own”
According to support, the MacBook appearing in Hanoi was “my own MacBook, displayed differently within the iCloud system.”
Conclusion: No Solution Found
In the end, consulting Apple support did not resolve the issue. While there is no real harm, it still feels unsettling. It seems there’s no way to remove it completely, so everyone should be cautious.